Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Humble Pie

For those of you who don't know me and didn't want to read the novel that is the background info on family and I have had a rough few years financially. We have uprooted and moved chasing one opportunity after another. Our emotions have been up and down and down and even further down! To add to our stress we had baby number two during the roughest part of our marriage to date (sweet blessing that he is). And now we are in Japan where I am constantly uncomfortable, annoyed and reminded that I am not where I want to be in life. But today I joined a networking website with our home church and as I was reading through the various prayer requests that people were making regarding their baby's heart transplant, or a friends 5-year-old's brain surgery hoping to cure the seizures she's been having 6 times an hour for a year or the prayer for a friend who got home from a 12 month deployment from Iraq and tragically watched his wife get hit by a car and killed right in front of him. And remember the funerals I went to of friend's children I knew who went home to Heaven far to early for one reason or another. And I have to say I feel blessed. During this time of giving thanks I have been struggling to stay positive, to not be angry at our situation, to remember our blessings and not be selfish. But it is so hard sometimes! Today I remember that as uncomfortable as I am, and angry as I am at our situation in life I AM BLESSED! I have two wonderful, healthy, beautiful children who are loved and fed and happy. I have a WONDERFUL and loving husband who would walk to the ends of the Earth for his family. I have two sets (thanks to marriage) of spectacular parents who are willing to go out of their way to put a roof over our heads in our time of need. I have many other family members who are willing to help and be supportive to us during our struggles. I have a multitude of friends who love and care for me and my family's situation and pray for us to find steady work and get back on our feet. And I have a God who, even though I can't always hear Him, loves me and has a good plan for our lives. So during this time of trial and tribulation, the nights of no sleep and days of constant anxiety over the next step in our journey together...I AM THANKFUL. I AM BLESSED. And I pray for all the people out there who have to deal with cancer and illness and death and infertility and financial hardship and divorce and other losses. You are not alone and you are loved!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hairy Situation

Nathan couldn't stand it another day so he and Stephen tried to cut their own hair. LOL First, by using a beard trimmer and then by using some actual barber scissors. Stephen was the one experimented on and when he ended up looking like he had hair plugs he decided they needed to get an actual hair trimmer. They got one and then the fun really began!!! First it was just Nathan and Stephen...then Keagan, Caleb and even Jack!!! The only guy who missed out on the buzz cut today was Rick! hahaha The boys look soo cute =) It's so weird to see Keagan without his little faux hawk!! He looks like such a big boy! Jack doesn't really look any older, he kinda looks more like a baby with no hair. His hair is so thin still anyway that having it short doesn't make a whole lot of difference. Except to somehow make him cuter....if that is possible!!! =) Both boys loved it! Keagan was super excited to be a part of the action and Jack thought the trimmer tickled!! I would have cut my hair too, except the grow-out stage is such a pain in the butt!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"throws hands up"

Ever heard of having a bad day?...Try having some bad years! So sick of all the crap. Is it so bad to want an average life? I feel like I did used to be somewhat materialistic, not any more that your normal everyday Joe, but somewhat. Now the only things I hold onto are my toothbrush and contacts. Seriously. My thinking has shifted so much from when I was kid. Its crazy.

Something else I am curious about...why do we live our lives worried about what other people will think or say. Even now as I write this totally nonsensical post I am editing out some things I really want to say. Its so stupid. Will people love me less if I am completely honest and if that honesty isn't beautiful or even nice. Do I have to have sunshine coming out of my butt at all times in order to please the freakin world around me. I am so sick of having my hands tied and my mouth shut and my thoughts sensored. If you are reading this please know that I probably love you, or at least like you in someway, so please don't be offended. Don't read it if it offends you, don't expect me not to write it. This world doesn't revolve around you, it revolves around me. It's my blog.

I'm cranky and going to bed.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


So, I have a few things to blog about today. And for the most part they are un-related! lol First, I was talking to Kelly (my SIL) the other day and she was telling me the Japanese people sit on the floor in the shower!!! WTH?! She asked her hubby about it, because he is Japanese, and he said that taking a shower is supposed to be relaxing and standing up isn't so they sit down. hahahaha! Gross! But they do have special mats that they buy so sit on the floor while they shower. If you want to sit while you bathe...take a bath??! Silly Japanese people.

Ok next on the agenda is that in the last few years I have realized how very few good friends I actually have and its really sad. I am here in Japan and I find myself wanting only to talk to a few choice people. Not that other people aren't important or lovely to be with, its just interesting to see who actually gives a $h^# when it matters. What bugs me most is when the people who ought to care don't. The people you wait for a response from and it never comes. The people who consistently disappoint you but you keep hoping. A big part of me wants to throw my hands up and say "fine, screw you," but I can't because, again, these are the people who are supposed to be there for you. So to all you out there who are loyal and actually care...THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. And to all you out there who don't, but should, thanks for nothing. You make my life just a little more miserable and you suck. (cuz its all about me of course, its my blog damn it)

For my final word...I have decided that Japanese isn't a real language. I have been here for two months! Its just a bunch of made up sounds and random scribbles, because seriously....I still don't get it. Is it because I don't like fish??? hmmmm

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Good Day, Bad Day, Happy Day, Sad Day

Sunday was an interesting mix of good and bad, happy and sad...lots of mixed emotions! Mostly it was good. Keagan did great as far as potty training goes! NO accidents all day! And we had a family birthday party for Jack-a-Mo, finally! He had no idea what was going on, but we all had fun and he got some cute stuff =) He was mesmerized by the candle, but Daddy had to blow it out. Keagan was all for helping open the presents til he realized that he couldn't just take whatever he wanted from them! lol I made the cake and the frosting - because they don't sell frosting here and I didn't find the cake mixes until after I was done! *sigh* The cake turned out "alright" but the next time I make one from scratch there will be a few minor modifications to the recipe. I sorta kinda made a Winnie the Pooh looking character with my home made frosting. Luckily there was some really good ice cream to go with the cake!!! Eh....I tried!
The sad part of the day was learning that my grandfather had finally gone to be with Jesus. I'm glad I had so many distractions because otherwise I would have just cried all day. I have so many mixed emotions about not being able to be there for my parents now. Not being able to say goodbye or attend the funeral. But I know everything will go fine and he is in a better place now. So I just gotta suck it up and not feel sorry for myself, because ultimately that is what it comes down to.
In other news, happy news, Jack finally signs please now!! He just really got it yesterday!! He still squeals at you for whatever it is he wants, but he says please at the same time so its ok! =)

Friday, October 8, 2010


Ruthanne, Nathan, the kids and I all went to Shizuoka today to turn in visa paperwork and application stuff. It was pretty fun! =) It's pretty small for a big city, but we did get to go to Starbucks!!! Crazy how something familiar can be so comforting and nice =) The elevators in the building for the immigration office were so small that the double stroller and I barely fit into it and we all had to go separately! Me and dbl stroller in one and Nathan, Ruthanne and the umbrella stroller in the other! lol And even though we were downtown there weren'y really any sidewalks on the main streets! Tre-weird I say. We did get to cross the road diaganally which was pretty darn spiffy though. Got some good video footage in the car of the kids....they are just so cute! And of course we had to stop at MacDonald's fo lunch or Keagan would have never forgiven us! hahaha Oh, a day in the life....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


My Grandpa George is in the hospital right now and his kidneys have finally failed. Its not a surprise, but hard all the same. I'm just so thankful that we got to spend a little time with him before we came to Japan and he got to meet Keagan and Jack! Its hard not being able to be there for my Dad as he is going through this, and for my Mom who is helping him through it or even to say goodbye to him one more time. Although those are not the memories I want to keep of him I suppose. My Mom said that he is not in too much pain and he's not alone. He is not a candidate for dialysis so I guess now its just a waiting game. Love you Grandpa George!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Well, I went with Angela and got some books to learn Hiragana and Katakana, two of the alphabets here. its pretty interesting. the books are for 4-5 year olds so....I'm feeling pretty funny studying my little book with a teddy bear on it! hahaha There is just so much to learn! Hopefully I will be able to remember some of it though! Some of it is so similar though and I just don't get what the difference is! Plus there is no way, that I know of yet, to know when you hold something or make it short except by learning as you go. Like Nathan was ah-meh (short) means candy but ah-meh (longer) means rain.....hmmmm????? Okay, well, I'm still gonna try =) i'll let you know more on how it goes! Matane!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Over The Hill

I "ran" again today! I don't weigh any less though and that was my second time! WTH?! LOL Anywho...I'm gonna try to do it more often. There is a really nice track nearby that goes along the river.
Got surprised by a cockroach in the shower after my "run"...super fun! I totally screamed like a girl =)
All the family, except Stephen who is in Tokyo, came over for dinner tonight. Monday is typically the Justus Family day off and it's Jamie's last one here since she and the girls leave Thursday. So, everyone came over for dinner and a surprise-ish birthday party for Nathan and Angela!!! They share a birthday, October 3rd, and this year is a big one (30 and 40) so we celebrated while Jamie was here!! =) They got "Older Than Dirt" and "Almost Older Than Dirt" cakes! And lots of gifts. It was fun!
Now all the kids are in bed and the house is mostly cleaned up and we are watching the end of ID4 on tv. Good Times, good times!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Diiner for...12!!!

I made 2 lasagnas tonight for dinner!!! There were about 12 of us, and that wasn't even all the family here. We were missing like 9 people!!! It was really good, Ruthanne made the salad, which was also really good!! I had to actually boil the noodles though...blah! Now I remember why I always use the "oven ready" kind =) I also made brownies (from a box, not scratch) so I am in a food coma now! I really just want to go to sleep, but we have Grey's to watch =) I also found out that I have TWO, not just one, episodes of Vampire Diaries to watch!!! Yay! That will have to wait for tomorrow I think. =)

Jack is doing great in his own room!! Third night in a row and we are all sleeping much better! He's such a faker, trying to play like he couldn't sleep through the night lol.

It rained today and was actually cooler! No A/C all day....that is the first time since we've been here that we haven't used A/C! It was still probably high 60's, maybe even 70, but the difference was amazing! I wish it would stay like this, but alas, I am told that its supposed to get back up in the 80s next week. =( Am i just weird???

Well, that is all for now! =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Running Away!

I *ran* today with Nathan about 1.2 kilometers (whatever that is lol). I already felt fat in the states, times that by like 100 and that is how I feel here!!! ugh! You see woman with like newborn sextuplets and their tummies are flat! So not fair! Haha. Oh well. So there is a track nearby that runs along the river that I am gonna start jogging on. Mostly its just my tummy that has gotten so pudgy, its sooo weird! Anywho. So hopefully I will make the time to do this and actually lose some weight so I can stop feeling sorry for myself! That is all for now. Its midnight and I'm tired. k?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Staring At The Rice Patties

So... I had my first breakdown today...ugh. Keagan has been a huge handful ever since we got here. Its just been non-stop with him acting up and acting out. We had to leave church early this morning because he would not behave. And NOTHING here is comfortable at all for me, I can't drive cuz I don't know where to go, I can't talk to most people, I can't go shopping by myself, etc etc, so I ended up in tears. We got back to the house, put Jack down, gave Keagan lunch and sent him straight to bed. Where he actually stayed for once! Nathan and I actually had a nice, quiet time together having whole pot of coffee and entire movie to ourselves. Keagan took a 2 hour and 45 min nap. Both boys woke up happy and rested! We went back to the church to get Connie and he mostly behaved while we were there. NOW Keagan is having his first sleep over at his Auntie Angela's house with the his cousins. She is trying to keep him up late so he'll sleep in for her! lol Hope that works out! THANKS ANGELA!!! Since Keagan was out and Connie was willing to watch Jack for a bit Nathan and I actually got to go out to dinner also! It was only an hour, but it was so nice to get away just the two of us! Plus the food was great and since friends own the restaurant we got a discount!!! lol Anywho...that was my day. Ended better than it started....hopefully they'll get better and better as Keagan adjusts and gets used to the new routine here. Please pray for him and us!!! Thanks =)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Summer is not over!

So here we are in mid September and we still need the AC to be comfortable! Looking at the forecast it will be 82 today, 84 tomorrow and pretty much the same until like Thursday!!! I wish it was warm and not hot. I'm just not used to it! I'm such a NW girl haha. I liked San Diego though, but the norm was like 70s and not humid. Anywho...
We went to SanSei yesterday, which is a second hand store, to get a highchair for Jack. We found a super cute one for like $13!! AND they have tons of other great stuff too. Lots of nice furniture, bunk beds even!! We'll probably get stuff from there if we ever move out. This store was WAY better than any second hand store I've ever been to. Small, but everything was in really good condition!!
Rick (my father-in-law) and Caleb (bro-in-law) went to two different commissaries yesterday and came back with a TON of stuff! They have always gone one a month and stocked up on things that aren't available or are much more expensive in town. One nice perk for serving 20 years in the Navy. I have a feeling that this is the biggest trip they've made in awhile! Now Jack has LOTS of yummy baby food and is gobbling it up like its outta style! He does like rice and other regular stuff, but he still only has 6 teeth so I never feel like he gets enough. I absolutely love to see him devour his food and know he has a full tummy! (as long as its not too full and he doesn't spit up on me like last night!)
NOTE TO ALL WHO MAY TRAVEL TO JAPAN WITH CHILDREN IN DIAPERS---BRING YOUR OWN DIAPER WIPES!!! They sell them here of course but they are paper thin and you may as well just use your hand. I'm just sayin... They have a company here called The Flying Pig where you can order stuff from Costco and they deliver it to your door. They have the same wipes we bought in the states (2x the $) and I can't wait to get a box! Rick did pick us up some to get by for a little bit though, thankfully! =)
Well that's enough for now! =)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wedded Bliss

Weddings are so fun! I have yet to go to a crappy wedding. It is just such a happy event all around! =) Kelly was ravishing in her wedding gown and veil!!! Nomugi looked sharp in his sailor dress suit. All the wedding party were beautiful and of course Keagan and his daddy looked handsome in their outfits too. I'm not gonna lie, Jack was adorable, but kinda looked like a bum! lol I could NOT find his dress shoes or khaki pants anywhere and they didn't have any baby dress clothes for sale here! I tried I really did!!!
They played an upbeat song after they announce them as Man and Wife so they danced back down the aisle!!! So cute! It was so funny after the ceremony all the brothers and sisters and cousins and some friends went up and did a little skit to the song "How Does She Know" from Enchanted. So funny and silly =) Then they got a ton of people up on the dance floor to do a dance, sorta like the electric slide, but not quite as complicated. It was fun!! Our little nephew, Yuito, who is about 14 months old, was dancing up a storm to all the songs!
So, the wedding is over. Aaron and Zack and Grandma have gone home. We are now at Rick and Connie's where we'll be staying until we can get our own place....NOW WHAT?! Well, hopefully all the paperwork will go through with the visa. We will get lots of jobs teaching English, move out and .... who knows.
I am in an interesting place right now. Very much out of my comfort zone. I can do NOTHING on my own here, aside from basic things like eating and bathing. I can't shop, I can't drive, I can't even talk to people!!! Grrr. Can someone please turn on my Japanese switch!! lol So, I am gonna get some grade school books and start practing my alphabet, or kangi, or katakana or whatever! Keep joking that my 12 year old nephew will be my tutor! Oh well. It will get better I know, but it would be nice to be able to just go buy facewash by myself if I need to. So weird.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ramen anyone??

Hello, well we've been here for a week now and are getting adjusted. I drove for the first time yesterday!!! It wasn't so bad, but it would be way more comfortable if i could just sit on the left side of the car and drive!! Its so hard to judge the distance from the other side of the car...maybe its just me. =) I also turned on the wind shield wipers every time I went to make a turn! lol At least the peddles are in the same order!!! That would just be bad! At some point it would be helpful if I new what all their signs meant to, but I guess for now crosswalks and speed signs will have to do. I cannot imagine every knowing my way around here it all looks the SAME!! But eventually I know I will.
Its still really hot, but its a bit better today since its raining. This is the first day since we've been here that the boys have gotten a proper nap and we haven't been out and about all day. Poor doesn't help Keagan's attitude when he doesn't get a proper nap! Jack could care less...hahaha This morning he was in a walker and just put his head down and passed out!!! lol Soo funny! =)
I seriously gotta get a camera to upload some pics from here. Its crazy to just go to the grocery store or 7-11! I really need to learn Japanese =) duh!!
Anywho...let me know if you have any questions or comments! lol

Sunday, September 5, 2010


So we made it! The plane ride was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated!!! It is HOT here, which I am not used to. I do not like it, but I am assured in a few weeks it will cool down and I'll be freezing. Great! lol I am looking at things here differently this time. Trying to picture a time when things here will actually make sense and seem familiar...really hard to imagine! Everything is just so totally different! I'm really glad I brought my spices (Thanks, Megan)!!! Looking at my sister-in-laws spice rack is a little daunting, so it will be nice to have some English in my kitchen!!! Not that I will have a kitchen for awhile, but someday in the near-ish future =)

We have been going non-stop since arriving! Family time, church time, bridal shower, birthdays, the guys climbing Mt. Fuji...Hopefully it will slow down soon. I need a break!! I know it will after the more week!!! It dawned on me last night that I will get to be her to help Kelly organize her new house!! yay! I'm excited for that stuff =)

Well, I have to try and get ready with 2 kids on the loose....wish me luck! =)

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Wow! We have been so busy!!! We've had lots of help from my mom and a couple friends. Started taking things to Nathan's sister's house to store for us while we're away! So nice of them! We've sold almost everything....except the crib, highchair and exersaucer! Like the biggest things to get rid of! Sheesh! We have been sleeping on the mattress of our fold out couch. the best way to describe that feeling is to tell you to imagine taking a sweatshirt and putting it over some springs and then sleeping on it. Sounds comfy huh?!! Still not quite sure what is gonna happen with the couch...or the car. ugh! SO much to consider! We are up to 7 bags I think!!! We still need another big one to for the boys clothes, and then there is our shoes...have I mentioned I LOVE moving?? *sigh* Should be a good time once we finally get to Japan though!!!
I spent the day with Megan yesterday. She helped me to pack the kitchen AND she helped with the kids while I got my hair fixed by her sister Dawn!!! And today Carolyn came to play with the kids so we could do more packing and Nathan is making another trip to Tacoma (with Aaron's truck) We are so blessed with people who love us and help us out!!!!!!!!
Plan for the next few days....Sunday - Girl Time with Carolyn!! Monday - packing, cleaning and MASSAGES!!! (thanks to Carolyn...I love her job!!) Tuesday - hopefully we'll be done!! HA! But we'll be finishing up anyway, have a partay with no furniture or food! haha! And then we sleep in our apartment with no beds and leave Wed morning after turning in our keys! I have to laugh because its just so crazy!!! And this is the SHORT version of all the things that have been going on and have to happen in the next 4 days!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Sunday, August 22, 2010

T Minus 10 days....

I hijacked my computer back! Buahahahaha! Anyways....I am so tired today. We have 10 days left and kinda got stuck on packing over the weekend because we have no one to pawn the boys off on. haha But tomorrow my mom is watching them again so we should get a lot done!!! Well, we better cuz time is running out! So much to consider, so much to do! Cable, cell phones, car, pots, pans, bedding, goes on and on! Do we take the photo albums? How many shoes do we take? Can I take my hair dryer? What about my spices, how can I pack those? Gotta take my measuring cups! Do we buy more suitcases or just tape up some ghetto boxes? Hmmmm
So you can guess what is on my mind! Chocolate! Just kidding! We started YouTube-ing our lives and I look so fat! I'm even more depressed about my weight now. I just know that people in Japan are gonna ask if I'm pregnant! Stupid belly, baby fat!!! My butt is big but its my tummy that is the main problem...ugh! So...still need to work on that *sigh*
Anywho...this blog is boring cuz I'm tired, but I'll write something better soon! k? k.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Ok, so my mama is helping us out with the kiddlies so we can actually accomplish things! Monday we cleared out all the furniture except one couch and the kids' beds. That was crazy! Then yesterday we took TONS of baby clothes, toys and our clothes to Goodwill! There us still lots to do! And I'm trying to get K into a dentist b4 we go...hmmm. we'll see how that goes. Ugh...I need to steal my computer from Nathan so I can type more (this is from my phone). Anyhow...that's what's going on this week! =) stay tuned

Sunday, August 15, 2010

getting ready...

So we are selling furniture and baby stuff trying to get rid of anything and everything we can to move to Japan. So frustrating when things don't sell. Nathan is done working so we can work together. Mom is pitching in watching the boys. So much to consider!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Ok, well we turned in our notice to the apartments today! Ahhh! Now we have to get all our crap out of here! lol I'm a little nervous about it since we have like 3 weeks before we have to leave and we barely started yet. And I am still in school this week too! Have to study for my final exam.

We got our dandy new flip digital video camera today! Gonna video our life in Japan!! =) Super fun!

And...Keagan is successfully going potty in the toilet...we are working on going every time, but he's getting there! He gets so excited!! Yells for a high five and ice cream! lol

Friday, July 30, 2010

Departure date!

So....we are for sure going to Japan for the wedding! We leave the 1st of Sept!! Now to just wok out the details to stay...hmmm. If nothing else comes of all this we have at least started praying together every day! God is good!!! And it will definitely take His provision to live in Japan! I also talked with my Mom about it finally and she took it really well. Better than expected! She understands the timing and opportunity that is there for us and the children even though she will miss us terribly. I hope as our departure date draws nearer and we really figure out if we are going to live there that she remains supportive about it. We will miss her and my dad a lot!!!
In other news - Keagan has started going potty by himself in the toilet! Woohoo!!! The joys of motherhood lol!
AND I am at the end of my math class and really need to crunch some numbers! More new to come!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Okay, so it turns out that we need like a TON of moolah to make Japan happen. but we are pretty hopeful. Its in God's hands, not much else we can do....ya know! But we are thinking now that we should video blog our life in Japan (assuming we even make it there) because it would be pretty interesting and it may be another way to make an income. We shall see. I think it could be interesting. Its so funny because we've been watching the "Shaytards" and they are hilarious! We totally aren't trying to copy them or anything, but it is ruh-di-cuh-lus how much we have in common with them!!! Both our families have moved a million times since marriage, lived in Cali, had lots of the same jobs and a buncha other stuff. Its crazy. Obviously there are lots of things we don't have in we're totally different people, but hey. Its still interesting. Oh, and I still think they shoulda named the new baby - Tater-tard! LOL still cracks me up =D but Rocktard is totally cute too. this is a lot of me saying nothing because we are really no closer to our goal of Japan than we were the other day that I blogged, we just for sure want to go now. Not so wishy-washy. Which probably means it *won't happen then....hmmmm. We shall see. My math is done and I have a quiz tomorrow so, nite nite

Love and Blessings

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The great debate

Okay, so here is the deal. I didn't make it to my goal weight by my birthday which is in 12 days. Shocker....I still want to, but lots of excuses. Anyways, that is not why I am posting now. I am posting, to all of you who read this...pbly no one, just to clear my head and put the insanity out there.
Current question of this Justus household...How to move to Japan in TWO months??!!! NO, I am not joking. Shoot, we moved across the country in 2.5 weeks, why not try an entirely different country this time and give ourselves a little more cushion, say 5.5 more weeks. LOL
So how will we even do this....well a number of very important things would have to happen. I don't even know where to start the list. Lets see...
1. Sell the car we upside down on (not so hard, yeah right)
2. Get out of our apartment lease we just signed like 4 months ago (easy peasy, pfft)
3. Figure out what crap we want and can take with us (big fat *ugh* on this one)
4. Figure out where to put the crap we don't want to get rid of but can't take (sigh)
5. Oh, right! Come up with like $4000 ish to get there!!!! (ROTFL)
6. And most importantly DO NOT GO INSANE!!
Some of you may ask...Why in the crap would you move to Japan?? Well, Nathan grew up there and a lot of his family are still there so, its like moving home for him. Another question you may be struggling with is...Why try to move in 2 months?? This is a good one. His youngest sister, Kelly, is getting married and we would obviously like to go. For those of you who have never looked into tickets to Japan, they are really expensive. So...the *least* expensive thing for us to do if we DO move to Japan is to go for the wedding and just stay.
More to come and we figure all this out and really decide if we are going or not. But, with the way Nathan is acting I feel like the decision has already been made, just not said out loud. hmmmm

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Top Floor

So we moved again!!! Shocker! But at least this time it was to our own apartment!!! Yay! We are on the top floor (5th) in an apartment in Mill Creek. Our building has an elevator though, so its not too bad. Keagan is the button pusher! Its in a great location close to the freeway, park n ride, cool trails and there is a little park right across from the building! Keagan gets excited to see his "friends" at the park! He also likes when Jack is up so he can play with him! So much so that he goes into his room if I'm not watching and says "Jack awake too!" ...yeah, now he is! lol We aren't completely unpacked yet, but we're moved and happy to finally get to use all our own stuff again!! =)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cute Kids on the Block!

My kids are freaking adorable!!! Keagan's vocabulary is growing daily and he is just so dang smart!! Such a sweet and fun loving kid!!! He is really starting to put his sentences together. I work with him to say "Mommy may I have more juice please" and when he does it on his own he just says "Mommy juice please have". He liked to run around the playground pretending to be a "fragon" (dragon) and roars at you! So funny! He pulls your hand and says "come on, come on" when he wants you to play. It is just endless! =) I bought some picture cards and was shocked the first time we went through them and he already knew so many of them. So crazy! They really are sponges!! And Jack just thinks his big brother is the greatest kid ever! Just watches him with the biggest smile on his face. Keagan is finally saying Jack now too, instead of just "Baby". Keagan is the only one who has gotten Jack to really laugh. I mean, don't get me wrong, Jack is a happy kid...all smiles, unless he is hungry! But the real belly laugh so far has only been elicited by his super cool big brother! I cannot wait until Jack is old enough to play with Keagan, I think they are gonna have so much fun! =) Jack just started eating cereal 2 days ago and had some sweet potatoes today. He's not too sure about it yet, but I know he will not be able to get enough as soon as he gets the hang of it!! And he rolled over for the first time yesterday!!!! Of course I missed it cuz I was cooking and he wouldn't do it again for Mommy. But that too will progress and my baby will start to crawl, walk and then run! ahhh, it goes by so quick!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Its the end of the quarter and finals time, so I haven't gotten to the gym as much as I wanted but am still going! I am thinking of taking some kind of supplement to help speed things along. I'm so tired of looking 4 months pregnant! But, that said, I still want to be safe and not just take anything.

On to something much more interesting than my quest for slim-dom...the boys!!! They are fabulous! In the last month Keagan has just started talking up a storm! It so funny. Man, is he smart!!! He knows all the major colors, a few numbers and mommy's name! But he is not allowed to call mommy anything but mommy! He is starting to pretend simple things too! Its so crazy, like a switch got flipped on or something. Jack is adorable as ever!!! Such a little chunk. He is so close to rolling over, so close! He's got some strong abs too! If he's chillin in the chair or your lap he will pull himself forward to grab his feet He is talking a lot lately too. Lots of squeals and coos, soo cute! He loves his exersaucer. We also got him a crib, which is nice. Now he has lots of room to wiggle and squirm. He's almost 5 months old! Crazy!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Let The Pain Begin...

I went to the gym and worked out for the first time in a long time today! Felt GOOD! I worked with a trainer since they give you some free sessions when you sign up. He was nice and really helpful. The gym I joined is great in that they give you the 2 free sessions in the beginning and then every month they switch up your program for you for free so that you keep progressing towards your goal. I'm just really hoping I look dramatically different by my birthday...I'm still gonna stick with it after that of course, but MAN do I want fit back into all my clothes!! I can't afford a new wardrobe!! lol My next appointment is Tuesday and we do all the measurements and weight check then. =( Boo! It will be cool later to see the progress I've made cuz we'll do it once a month tho.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Plan....

Ok, so I've had two babies and gained some weight...this we know! Ugh! Since we are not having another baby for awhile I have joined a gym in an effort to get my body back!!!! My goal is to lose a good amount of weight and inches by my birthday...I don't want this body when I turn 30!!

My first day is tomorrow....we'll see how it goes. I really, really want to stick with this goal and feel better about myself and look better by my birthday! =)

Monday, February 15, 2010


Before the rain washes away the details I will write them down here for you! First let me say that our trip to Hawaii was WONDERFUL!!!

We left Friday evening and arrived in Hawaii late Friday night. By the time we got back to the hotel we passed out like the tired parents of small kids that we are!! lol

After sleeping in a bit, despite the noisy window a/c unit in our room, we got up and headed out for our first day of a romantic vacation in 7.5 years!!! We started with breakfast in the hotel restaurant, outside in the 70+ degree weather! Ahhhhh!

Then we tried our hand with the local transit system, cleverly named TheBus, to get to Pearl Harbor. Over an hour later (but a bargain at $2.25 ea) we arrived!! To find out that all of the 4500 tickets were sold out to see the memorial. *sigh* But we did get to see the USS Bowfin Submarine and that was really neat! Then we made our way back to Waikiki to plan the rest of our adventures and check out the beach! We ended the day with dinner at Planet Hollywood, drinks at Senior Frogs and watching some amazing little girls sing for money on the sidewalk! Fun!!

Next morning we were up bright and early to go snorkeling at Hanauma Bay. Of course we got some yummy breakfast first. =) Then we loaded up in a van to go to the bay...we were the only non-Aussies in the van! Well, except the very knowledgable and funny Hawaiian driver. It didn't take long to get there, but when we did all we got to do was take some pictures from above the beach. It was closed because of jellyfish. Dang the bad luck!! I guess they come closer to shore about 9 days after a full moon, and that is right when we happened to travel to Hawaii. So we decided to get some coffee and head to Waikiki beach!! Not too shabby!! It was a beautiful day! Nice and warm and the water was perfect as well! We stayed for quite awhile before going back to get ready for the luau! =) The luau was at Paradise Bay and was really fun! We threw spears, drank some fun drinks, watched hula dancers, saw them take the pig out of the pit...and then the show!! Which was pretty darn cool! They make it look so easy!! But let me tell you its not! Nathan volunteered me to go on myself! AH! And I did! I shook my booty up there in front of all those people, alone! And I did approximately ONE of the five moves they showed me! lol Not as bad as the fat guy with no shirt, a coconut bra and grass skirt that went on after me! lol After the luau we walked around a bit in Waikiki and had a beer at The Yard, which has like 160+ different types of beer!!

Monday we decided to get up early again to go snorkeling, but didn't even make it into the van before hearing that the beach was closed again. *sigh* Oh well, next time right?!! So we went back upstairs got ready, packed up and went and got our rental car early to drive to the North side of the island. It was a lovely drive...and short too! It would have taken even less time if the speed limit was higher! lol We ended up at Waimea Bay, which has some of the awsome waves that surfers long for! We got lunch and then headed to the beach! The water here was way more fun and even a little warmer! There were really fun waves to play in and it was a really warm sunny day! We spent as long as we could there, but since we had already gotten a bit burned the day before we had to call it quits after a few hours. We got back in the car and drove back to Waikiki via the East Coast...soooo gorgeous!!! We even saw where they film Lost! But didn't stop there. We went to Ala Moana Mall to kill some time, eat and get some souvenirs before heading back to drop off the car and take a shuttle to the airport. It ended up taking forever to get home, but we both passed out on the plane so it wasn't too bad. It was great to see the boys again!!! Keagan wouldn't stop hugging us and saying he loved us "too Daddy, too Mommy!" Jack looked a little confused but seemed happy to see us too! lol It was a fantastic trip and we definitely want to go back!!! And maybe see some of the other islands too!! =)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nice try!

Well, it was a nice thought, but losing lots of weight in a week and a half is just not happening. I lost a few though and the cabbage soup I made for the diet was actually really good!!

I'm super excited about our trip! I wanna live it up!! I went to see if I could find a new swimsuit today. Why o why did I torture myself that way?? Ugh and yuck! I realized that I am beyond sick of being fat and I am going to be 30 in July....and I DO NOT want to be both. So my birthday present to myself is gonna be a skinny me!!! Gonna join a gym when we get back and start getting my body back into shape!!!

Anywho....until then I will just have to photo shop my Hawaii pics and blur out the fatty lookin parts! lol!!! Hawaii is gonna be so fun!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hawaiian Getaway

SURPRISE!!!! In true Nathan-fashion he planned and booked a surprise Hawaiian getaway for us!! Because he is a fabulous man! It will be the first time since our Honeymoon that we have gone away together, just the two of us! It will also be the first time that I have spent a night away from either of the boys (it actually made me tear up at the thought of it, I will miss them so much!) I am so excited though!!! I have only been through the airport in Hawaii, when I was 15, and I was too afraid to go outside because I thought I would get lost!!! Lol.

So, here I am faced with the ultimate female dilemma...I need to lose weight and have like a week and a half to do it! Fantastic!! So I WILL start running, doing an ab workout and eat a cabbage soup diet. My goal, to lost 10 lbs before we leave!!! At this very second I am motivated, but we will see if I can hold onto the motivation beyond this moment! Maybe a picture of me from when I was skinny to look at will help me...or should it be a picture of me now with my post baby fat I want to get rid of???? I think I'd rather look at the skinny pic! Lol.

Okay, that is the goal. I will keep the blog updated with my progress, hopefully there is some!!!! And FAST!

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Beat Goes On...

Hey people! It's January, almost February!!! Crazy! Jack is almost 4 months old now and he is just the sweetest baby!!! We are so blessed....I prayed when I was pregnant with Keagan that he would be a happy baby, full of laughs and smiles. Anyone that has met Keagan knows that he is exactly that!! With Jack I prayed that he would be a happy boy as well, but that he would be calmer and more laid back like his Daddy. So far he is just that! Such a good baby!!!!!

Anywho, so what are we doing now you ask??? Well, Nathan and I are house sitting my parents next door neighbors house until May. So, we still don't have our "own" place, but it is so nice to be just our little family after so long! Nathan and I are both in school (me just part time). It's tough because it has been so long since I have really tried to retain any information. lol I also feel like I have a handicap baby-brain!!! Seriously! My memory is horrible these days! I hope that I can get into the program I'm working towards. I am hoping to get into the Diagnostic Ultrasound program in Bellevue eventually. Although, the more I read about it the more I am intimidated by the whole thing. It is a ways off though, I have at LEAST a year before I can even apply!!!

So, the boys are great! Growing, healthy and full of giggles!!! Nathan and I have lots of pics on FB.
