Monday, September 27, 2010

Over The Hill

I "ran" again today! I don't weigh any less though and that was my second time! WTH?! LOL Anywho...I'm gonna try to do it more often. There is a really nice track nearby that goes along the river.
Got surprised by a cockroach in the shower after my "run"...super fun! I totally screamed like a girl =)
All the family, except Stephen who is in Tokyo, came over for dinner tonight. Monday is typically the Justus Family day off and it's Jamie's last one here since she and the girls leave Thursday. So, everyone came over for dinner and a surprise-ish birthday party for Nathan and Angela!!! They share a birthday, October 3rd, and this year is a big one (30 and 40) so we celebrated while Jamie was here!! =) They got "Older Than Dirt" and "Almost Older Than Dirt" cakes! And lots of gifts. It was fun!
Now all the kids are in bed and the house is mostly cleaned up and we are watching the end of ID4 on tv. Good Times, good times!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Diiner for...12!!!

I made 2 lasagnas tonight for dinner!!! There were about 12 of us, and that wasn't even all the family here. We were missing like 9 people!!! It was really good, Ruthanne made the salad, which was also really good!! I had to actually boil the noodles though...blah! Now I remember why I always use the "oven ready" kind =) I also made brownies (from a box, not scratch) so I am in a food coma now! I really just want to go to sleep, but we have Grey's to watch =) I also found out that I have TWO, not just one, episodes of Vampire Diaries to watch!!! Yay! That will have to wait for tomorrow I think. =)

Jack is doing great in his own room!! Third night in a row and we are all sleeping much better! He's such a faker, trying to play like he couldn't sleep through the night lol.

It rained today and was actually cooler! No A/C all day....that is the first time since we've been here that we haven't used A/C! It was still probably high 60's, maybe even 70, but the difference was amazing! I wish it would stay like this, but alas, I am told that its supposed to get back up in the 80s next week. =( Am i just weird???

Well, that is all for now! =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Running Away!

I *ran* today with Nathan about 1.2 kilometers (whatever that is lol). I already felt fat in the states, times that by like 100 and that is how I feel here!!! ugh! You see woman with like newborn sextuplets and their tummies are flat! So not fair! Haha. Oh well. So there is a track nearby that runs along the river that I am gonna start jogging on. Mostly its just my tummy that has gotten so pudgy, its sooo weird! Anywho. So hopefully I will make the time to do this and actually lose some weight so I can stop feeling sorry for myself! That is all for now. Its midnight and I'm tired. k?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Staring At The Rice Patties

So... I had my first breakdown today...ugh. Keagan has been a huge handful ever since we got here. Its just been non-stop with him acting up and acting out. We had to leave church early this morning because he would not behave. And NOTHING here is comfortable at all for me, I can't drive cuz I don't know where to go, I can't talk to most people, I can't go shopping by myself, etc etc, so I ended up in tears. We got back to the house, put Jack down, gave Keagan lunch and sent him straight to bed. Where he actually stayed for once! Nathan and I actually had a nice, quiet time together having whole pot of coffee and entire movie to ourselves. Keagan took a 2 hour and 45 min nap. Both boys woke up happy and rested! We went back to the church to get Connie and he mostly behaved while we were there. NOW Keagan is having his first sleep over at his Auntie Angela's house with the his cousins. She is trying to keep him up late so he'll sleep in for her! lol Hope that works out! THANKS ANGELA!!! Since Keagan was out and Connie was willing to watch Jack for a bit Nathan and I actually got to go out to dinner also! It was only an hour, but it was so nice to get away just the two of us! Plus the food was great and since friends own the restaurant we got a discount!!! lol Anywho...that was my day. Ended better than it started....hopefully they'll get better and better as Keagan adjusts and gets used to the new routine here. Please pray for him and us!!! Thanks =)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Summer is not over!

So here we are in mid September and we still need the AC to be comfortable! Looking at the forecast it will be 82 today, 84 tomorrow and pretty much the same until like Thursday!!! I wish it was warm and not hot. I'm just not used to it! I'm such a NW girl haha. I liked San Diego though, but the norm was like 70s and not humid. Anywho...
We went to SanSei yesterday, which is a second hand store, to get a highchair for Jack. We found a super cute one for like $13!! AND they have tons of other great stuff too. Lots of nice furniture, bunk beds even!! We'll probably get stuff from there if we ever move out. This store was WAY better than any second hand store I've ever been to. Small, but everything was in really good condition!!
Rick (my father-in-law) and Caleb (bro-in-law) went to two different commissaries yesterday and came back with a TON of stuff! They have always gone one a month and stocked up on things that aren't available or are much more expensive in town. One nice perk for serving 20 years in the Navy. I have a feeling that this is the biggest trip they've made in awhile! Now Jack has LOTS of yummy baby food and is gobbling it up like its outta style! He does like rice and other regular stuff, but he still only has 6 teeth so I never feel like he gets enough. I absolutely love to see him devour his food and know he has a full tummy! (as long as its not too full and he doesn't spit up on me like last night!)
NOTE TO ALL WHO MAY TRAVEL TO JAPAN WITH CHILDREN IN DIAPERS---BRING YOUR OWN DIAPER WIPES!!! They sell them here of course but they are paper thin and you may as well just use your hand. I'm just sayin... They have a company here called The Flying Pig where you can order stuff from Costco and they deliver it to your door. They have the same wipes we bought in the states (2x the $) and I can't wait to get a box! Rick did pick us up some to get by for a little bit though, thankfully! =)
Well that's enough for now! =)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wedded Bliss

Weddings are so fun! I have yet to go to a crappy wedding. It is just such a happy event all around! =) Kelly was ravishing in her wedding gown and veil!!! Nomugi looked sharp in his sailor dress suit. All the wedding party were beautiful and of course Keagan and his daddy looked handsome in their outfits too. I'm not gonna lie, Jack was adorable, but kinda looked like a bum! lol I could NOT find his dress shoes or khaki pants anywhere and they didn't have any baby dress clothes for sale here! I tried I really did!!!
They played an upbeat song after they announce them as Man and Wife so they danced back down the aisle!!! So cute! It was so funny after the ceremony all the brothers and sisters and cousins and some friends went up and did a little skit to the song "How Does She Know" from Enchanted. So funny and silly =) Then they got a ton of people up on the dance floor to do a dance, sorta like the electric slide, but not quite as complicated. It was fun!! Our little nephew, Yuito, who is about 14 months old, was dancing up a storm to all the songs!
So, the wedding is over. Aaron and Zack and Grandma have gone home. We are now at Rick and Connie's where we'll be staying until we can get our own place....NOW WHAT?! Well, hopefully all the paperwork will go through with the visa. We will get lots of jobs teaching English, move out and .... who knows.
I am in an interesting place right now. Very much out of my comfort zone. I can do NOTHING on my own here, aside from basic things like eating and bathing. I can't shop, I can't drive, I can't even talk to people!!! Grrr. Can someone please turn on my Japanese switch!! lol So, I am gonna get some grade school books and start practing my alphabet, or kangi, or katakana or whatever! Keep joking that my 12 year old nephew will be my tutor! Oh well. It will get better I know, but it would be nice to be able to just go buy facewash by myself if I need to. So weird.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ramen anyone??

Hello, well we've been here for a week now and are getting adjusted. I drove for the first time yesterday!!! It wasn't so bad, but it would be way more comfortable if i could just sit on the left side of the car and drive!! Its so hard to judge the distance from the other side of the car...maybe its just me. =) I also turned on the wind shield wipers every time I went to make a turn! lol At least the peddles are in the same order!!! That would just be bad! At some point it would be helpful if I new what all their signs meant to, but I guess for now crosswalks and speed signs will have to do. I cannot imagine every knowing my way around here it all looks the SAME!! But eventually I know I will.
Its still really hot, but its a bit better today since its raining. This is the first day since we've been here that the boys have gotten a proper nap and we haven't been out and about all day. Poor doesn't help Keagan's attitude when he doesn't get a proper nap! Jack could care less...hahaha This morning he was in a walker and just put his head down and passed out!!! lol Soo funny! =)
I seriously gotta get a camera to upload some pics from here. Its crazy to just go to the grocery store or 7-11! I really need to learn Japanese =) duh!!
Anywho...let me know if you have any questions or comments! lol

Sunday, September 5, 2010


So we made it! The plane ride was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated!!! It is HOT here, which I am not used to. I do not like it, but I am assured in a few weeks it will cool down and I'll be freezing. Great! lol I am looking at things here differently this time. Trying to picture a time when things here will actually make sense and seem familiar...really hard to imagine! Everything is just so totally different! I'm really glad I brought my spices (Thanks, Megan)!!! Looking at my sister-in-laws spice rack is a little daunting, so it will be nice to have some English in my kitchen!!! Not that I will have a kitchen for awhile, but someday in the near-ish future =)

We have been going non-stop since arriving! Family time, church time, bridal shower, birthdays, the guys climbing Mt. Fuji...Hopefully it will slow down soon. I need a break!! I know it will after the more week!!! It dawned on me last night that I will get to be her to help Kelly organize her new house!! yay! I'm excited for that stuff =)

Well, I have to try and get ready with 2 kids on the loose....wish me luck! =)