Saturday, August 28, 2010


Wow! We have been so busy!!! We've had lots of help from my mom and a couple friends. Started taking things to Nathan's sister's house to store for us while we're away! So nice of them! We've sold almost everything....except the crib, highchair and exersaucer! Like the biggest things to get rid of! Sheesh! We have been sleeping on the mattress of our fold out couch. the best way to describe that feeling is to tell you to imagine taking a sweatshirt and putting it over some springs and then sleeping on it. Sounds comfy huh?!! Still not quite sure what is gonna happen with the couch...or the car. ugh! SO much to consider! We are up to 7 bags I think!!! We still need another big one to for the boys clothes, and then there is our shoes...have I mentioned I LOVE moving?? *sigh* Should be a good time once we finally get to Japan though!!!
I spent the day with Megan yesterday. She helped me to pack the kitchen AND she helped with the kids while I got my hair fixed by her sister Dawn!!! And today Carolyn came to play with the kids so we could do more packing and Nathan is making another trip to Tacoma (with Aaron's truck) We are so blessed with people who love us and help us out!!!!!!!!
Plan for the next few days....Sunday - Girl Time with Carolyn!! Monday - packing, cleaning and MASSAGES!!! (thanks to Carolyn...I love her job!!) Tuesday - hopefully we'll be done!! HA! But we'll be finishing up anyway, have a partay with no furniture or food! haha! And then we sleep in our apartment with no beds and leave Wed morning after turning in our keys! I have to laugh because its just so crazy!!! And this is the SHORT version of all the things that have been going on and have to happen in the next 4 days!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA