Monday, July 19, 2010


Okay, so it turns out that we need like a TON of moolah to make Japan happen. but we are pretty hopeful. Its in God's hands, not much else we can do....ya know! But we are thinking now that we should video blog our life in Japan (assuming we even make it there) because it would be pretty interesting and it may be another way to make an income. We shall see. I think it could be interesting. Its so funny because we've been watching the "Shaytards" and they are hilarious! We totally aren't trying to copy them or anything, but it is ruh-di-cuh-lus how much we have in common with them!!! Both our families have moved a million times since marriage, lived in Cali, had lots of the same jobs and a buncha other stuff. Its crazy. Obviously there are lots of things we don't have in we're totally different people, but hey. Its still interesting. Oh, and I still think they shoulda named the new baby - Tater-tard! LOL still cracks me up =D but Rocktard is totally cute too. this is a lot of me saying nothing because we are really no closer to our goal of Japan than we were the other day that I blogged, we just for sure want to go now. Not so wishy-washy. Which probably means it *won't happen then....hmmmm. We shall see. My math is done and I have a quiz tomorrow so, nite nite

Love and Blessings