Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hawaiian Getaway

SURPRISE!!!! In true Nathan-fashion he planned and booked a surprise Hawaiian getaway for us!! Because he is a fabulous man! It will be the first time since our Honeymoon that we have gone away together, just the two of us! It will also be the first time that I have spent a night away from either of the boys (it actually made me tear up at the thought of it, I will miss them so much!) I am so excited though!!! I have only been through the airport in Hawaii, when I was 15, and I was too afraid to go outside because I thought I would get lost!!! Lol.

So, here I am faced with the ultimate female dilemma...I need to lose weight and have like a week and a half to do it! Fantastic!! So I WILL start running, doing an ab workout and eat a cabbage soup diet. My goal, to lost 10 lbs before we leave!!! At this very second I am motivated, but we will see if I can hold onto the motivation beyond this moment! Maybe a picture of me from when I was skinny to look at will help me...or should it be a picture of me now with my post baby fat I want to get rid of???? I think I'd rather look at the skinny pic! Lol.

Okay, that is the goal. I will keep the blog updated with my progress, hopefully there is some!!!! And FAST!