Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wedded Bliss

Weddings are so fun! I have yet to go to a crappy wedding. It is just such a happy event all around! =) Kelly was ravishing in her wedding gown and veil!!! Nomugi looked sharp in his sailor dress suit. All the wedding party were beautiful and of course Keagan and his daddy looked handsome in their outfits too. I'm not gonna lie, Jack was adorable, but kinda looked like a bum! lol I could NOT find his dress shoes or khaki pants anywhere and they didn't have any baby dress clothes for sale here! I tried I really did!!!
They played an upbeat song after they announce them as Man and Wife so they danced back down the aisle!!! So cute! It was so funny after the ceremony all the brothers and sisters and cousins and some friends went up and did a little skit to the song "How Does She Know" from Enchanted. So funny and silly =) Then they got a ton of people up on the dance floor to do a dance, sorta like the electric slide, but not quite as complicated. It was fun!! Our little nephew, Yuito, who is about 14 months old, was dancing up a storm to all the songs!
So, the wedding is over. Aaron and Zack and Grandma have gone home. We are now at Rick and Connie's where we'll be staying until we can get our own place....NOW WHAT?! Well, hopefully all the paperwork will go through with the visa. We will get lots of jobs teaching English, move out and .... who knows.
I am in an interesting place right now. Very much out of my comfort zone. I can do NOTHING on my own here, aside from basic things like eating and bathing. I can't shop, I can't drive, I can't even talk to people!!! Grrr. Can someone please turn on my Japanese switch!! lol So, I am gonna get some grade school books and start practing my alphabet, or kangi, or katakana or whatever! Keep joking that my 12 year old nephew will be my tutor! Oh well. It will get better I know, but it would be nice to be able to just go buy facewash by myself if I need to. So weird.