Sunday, September 19, 2010

Staring At The Rice Patties

So... I had my first breakdown today...ugh. Keagan has been a huge handful ever since we got here. Its just been non-stop with him acting up and acting out. We had to leave church early this morning because he would not behave. And NOTHING here is comfortable at all for me, I can't drive cuz I don't know where to go, I can't talk to most people, I can't go shopping by myself, etc etc, so I ended up in tears. We got back to the house, put Jack down, gave Keagan lunch and sent him straight to bed. Where he actually stayed for once! Nathan and I actually had a nice, quiet time together having whole pot of coffee and entire movie to ourselves. Keagan took a 2 hour and 45 min nap. Both boys woke up happy and rested! We went back to the church to get Connie and he mostly behaved while we were there. NOW Keagan is having his first sleep over at his Auntie Angela's house with the his cousins. She is trying to keep him up late so he'll sleep in for her! lol Hope that works out! THANKS ANGELA!!! Since Keagan was out and Connie was willing to watch Jack for a bit Nathan and I actually got to go out to dinner also! It was only an hour, but it was so nice to get away just the two of us! Plus the food was great and since friends own the restaurant we got a discount!!! lol Anywho...that was my day. Ended better than it started....hopefully they'll get better and better as Keagan adjusts and gets used to the new routine here. Please pray for him and us!!! Thanks =)