Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 16

I am so over this diet! LOL no, but seriously! I just want to eat!!! *sigh* When did it all get so complicated?! I never ever used to have to worry about my weight!! I gained a little after getting married, lost it and then had babies!!! After my first my weight went back down to my pre-pregnancy weight (which was about 10lbs more than I wanted to weigh). After my second I got stuck 10lbs heavier than the 10lbs I had already wanted to lose!!! Boo. I really want a tread mill....but the darn things are so expensive! Ive decided that I would rather run and work out a lot so I can eat what I want than be on a diet all the time!! I mean, eat what I want within reason! Not gorge myself on the good/bad stuff! I am not one of those people who can eat the same thing everyday and I am NOT satisfied with just veggies and chicken!! Come on!!! Why is it so bad to love potatoes???? *sigh*

I'm on day 16 and I'm still only at minus 11 lbs....and its that time of month which is not gonna help with the scale gosh darn it. (sorry tmi) I'm annoyed. I've worked so hard and I'm only at half my goal with only 7 days left....we'll see the end results. I'll tell you one thing. I am not doing this diet again! While it may be effective, its a pain the butt and not much fun! Although....I do really like eating apples everyday, that part I will keep I think! =) You know what they apple a day keeps the dr away! ahh, I'm a nerd, but you love me!