Saturday, November 6, 2010

"throws hands up"

Ever heard of having a bad day?...Try having some bad years! So sick of all the crap. Is it so bad to want an average life? I feel like I did used to be somewhat materialistic, not any more that your normal everyday Joe, but somewhat. Now the only things I hold onto are my toothbrush and contacts. Seriously. My thinking has shifted so much from when I was kid. Its crazy.

Something else I am curious about...why do we live our lives worried about what other people will think or say. Even now as I write this totally nonsensical post I am editing out some things I really want to say. Its so stupid. Will people love me less if I am completely honest and if that honesty isn't beautiful or even nice. Do I have to have sunshine coming out of my butt at all times in order to please the freakin world around me. I am so sick of having my hands tied and my mouth shut and my thoughts sensored. If you are reading this please know that I probably love you, or at least like you in someway, so please don't be offended. Don't read it if it offends you, don't expect me not to write it. This world doesn't revolve around you, it revolves around me. It's my blog.

I'm cranky and going to bed.


Megan said...

I understand that feeling of sensoring yourself. While I say 'Don't' it's easier said that actually doing. We DO care what others think. I think it's just human nature. BUT I think that you should write whatever you want because as you said, this is YOUR blog and if people don't like it they don't need to read it!!

((((HUGE HUGS))))

Roo said...

Thanks, sometimes I just want to scream the F-word even if it doesn't help...ya know!