Monday, January 31, 2011


Ok, so I took a break from blogging while we were in Japan because Nathan had already come back to the states for a job interview. We had already planned on coming back, but it was a surprise to some of our family! Anywho, then we got back and it was Christmas time and Nathan started working and blah blah here it is! WE ARE BACK IN THE USA!!!

Nathan got a great job in Auburn, WA! We are up in Edmonds at the moment. We are house sitting until April and we are trying to figure out where to live. Nathan would like to be closer to work so that he is not commuting for so long. His brother also came back here with us and just got a job in Bellevue. So we are thinking either Bellevue or West Seattle. We shall see.

I joined MOPS at our old church and am having fun with that! We are also going to a parenting class about how to deal with crazy (which is normal) kids! AND we will be going to a fusion group at our church covering the same subject. We are excited about that because we are hoping to finally meet some other young families at Canyon Creek!!!

That is it....well, in a nutshell anyway! Super excited and happy to be back in the US!!! =)