Friday, October 2, 2009

Final Days

So here we are, waiting..... *sigh*

I am 39 weeks pregnant, huge, uncomfortable and confused as to why this baby has not made his appearance yet! We all know he's plenty big enough by now, cuz I AM HUGE! lol Keagan still has no idea what he's in for (not that we really do either). Anytime we ask him about having a baby brother or being a big brother he just says...NOOOOO! lol Great....

We recently switched to a midwife and will be delivering at Group Health in Seattle instead of Evergreen hospital. Kinda crazy to change care providers so late in the game, but I am really trying to avoid another c-section and felt this was the best way to do that. Now if the baby would just get here already things would be peachy! We have most of what we need for the baby so far, there are a few things we still need to get, but nothing too major. We do need lots of prayer for adjusting to 2 kids and Keagan adjusting to not being the only adorable boy around!! He's always exceeded our expectations on the things we thought would be tough though, so....I'm not super worried about it.

So we will let you all know when the baby finally gets here!!! =)